Bed Making Procedure
1. Gather Supplies
Choose bed linens that are comfortable and beautiful for you. If you like the way a bedskirt makes your room look, then by all means grab your favorite. If you're more minimalistic in your bed linen approach, that's fine too. A bed that is made, however simply, is still a major improvement over a mass of pillows and blankets.
2. Remove Used Linens
Take off the used linens and put them in the laundry. Shake out any mattress pads, pillow protectors, and comforters that don't need to be laundered.If you use a bed skirt and it needs to be laundered, remove and replace it.
3. Put the Bottom Sheet On
If your bottom sheet is fitted, simply slip the corner pockets onto the ends of the bed and adjust the fitted sheet around the perimeter underneath the mattress pad and mattress. If your bottom sheet is flat, arrange the sheet so that 1 foot of sheet hangs over the edge of the top of your bed. Beginning with the sides of the bed create hospital corners and fold under the mattress and mattress pad. Continue on each side, creasing and folding as you go.
4. Add the Top Sheet
Place the top sheet evenly on the bed, and fold under with hospital corners only at the end of the bed. I like to leave the sides untucked, making it easier to get into the bed, but if it is a guest bed that is only rarely used, or you're a stickler about folding under, you can tuck under the sides as well. Just remember your comforter, quilt, or duvet will likely cover up the little bit of sheet hanging down.
5. Add a Blanket, Comforter, or Duvet
Smooth your choice of blanket evenly over the top of the bed, smoothing the edges as you go.
6. Add Pillows
To place pillows under the blanket, fold the top sheet down over the blanket. Place pillows flat on the top sheet at the head of the bed. Fold blanket over the pillows towards the head of the bed, and smooth. Pillows can also be laid upright against the head of the bed. Do what makes the bed have that finished look that you love.
1. Gather Supplies
Choose bed linens that are comfortable and beautiful for you. If you like the way a bedskirt makes your room look, then by all means grab your favorite. If you're more minimalistic in your bed linen approach, that's fine too. A bed that is made, however simply, is still a major improvement over a mass of pillows and blankets.
2. Remove Used Linens
Take off the used linens and put them in the laundry. Shake out any mattress pads, pillow protectors, and comforters that don't need to be laundered.If you use a bed skirt and it needs to be laundered, remove and replace it.
3. Put the Bottom Sheet On
If your bottom sheet is fitted, simply slip the corner pockets onto the ends of the bed and adjust the fitted sheet around the perimeter underneath the mattress pad and mattress. If your bottom sheet is flat, arrange the sheet so that 1 foot of sheet hangs over the edge of the top of your bed. Beginning with the sides of the bed create hospital corners and fold under the mattress and mattress pad. Continue on each side, creasing and folding as you go.
4. Add the Top Sheet
Place the top sheet evenly on the bed, and fold under with hospital corners only at the end of the bed. I like to leave the sides untucked, making it easier to get into the bed, but if it is a guest bed that is only rarely used, or you're a stickler about folding under, you can tuck under the sides as well. Just remember your comforter, quilt, or duvet will likely cover up the little bit of sheet hanging down.
5. Add a Blanket, Comforter, or Duvet
Smooth your choice of blanket evenly over the top of the bed, smoothing the edges as you go.
6. Add Pillows
To place pillows under the blanket, fold the top sheet down over the blanket. Place pillows flat on the top sheet at the head of the bed. Fold blanket over the pillows towards the head of the bed, and smooth. Pillows can also be laid upright against the head of the bed. Do what makes the bed have that finished look that you love.
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