Fish –Recipes & Cooking

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Fish are vertebrates and have skin and scales, which cover the body and they move with the help of fines. Fish is very much of a food of the nineties, the epitome of modern cooking and eating styles – low in fat, high in protein, rich in minerals and vitamins, quick and easy to prepare and cook, versatile enough to be adapted to suit any occasion


Fin fishes are cold-blooded vertebrates with gills. Fi sh can be divided into various sub-categories according to habitat, shape and flesh type.
  1. a) White :- They are mainly flat f ish and the oil presents only in the liver. Most of those are deep sea fis h.
  2. b) Oily :- They are mainly round fis h and contained fat all over the body.


  1. a) Molluses: – Bivalves: Which have two number of separate cell joint by a membrane. The membrane controls the movement of the shell.
  2. b) Crustaceans: – They have a segmented crust like shell, the sense of crustacean does not growth with the fi sh but the cell is divided every year. Exam. – Crabs, prawn etc.


Invertebrates are spineless marine animals with no outer shell. They include the squid and octopus family.


The following points must be looked at the time of selecting fis h-
  1. Eyes should be bright.
  2. Grills should be red.
  3. The tail should be stick.
  4. The flesh should be firm and not floppy.
  5. The whole body should be covered by full scales.


Scaling and cleaning:
  1. To scale bland side of knife, holding the fi sh by tail, scraps finely from the tail towards the head, wash well and removed any lose of scale.
  2. Remove the fins and tail.
  3. In case of flat fish cut away the grills and make a small opening in the belly.


Boiling– Fi sh generally boiled in a courtbollion”. The method is suitable for the whole f ish; thick cuts of f ish could also be boiled. Whole fis h clean would be put in courtboilion liquid and boil. The fis h is put into a pen, fill with
courtboilion then boiled. If the fi sh is cooked, then a stewer will easily place in the flesh of fish. Approximate time of boiling of fi sh is 10-15 min. /500gm. of fish.
Steaming:- Place the fi sh in a steamer and sprinkle with salt and pepper, then the water in the steamer must be fast briling with the fire and the fi sh is cooked.
Grilling:- It is a suitable method for various cuts and types of fish is cooked on top of the grill bar use of butter or oil. The grill should be greased so that the flesh does not sticky and the garnish with lemon, fine fresh parsley chop,
accompaniment with suitable sauce and time of grilling of f ish is 5-7 minutes.
Frying:- Small fish can be fried whole or out into steaks or fillet or pieces of fi sh in huge amount of oil. The cooking time of frying is about 5 minutes.
Baking:- Round white fish is suitable for baking. The fis h should be cleaned and belly is staff with force meat (bread crums, chop onion, nutmeg, lemon juice, egg yolk and high seasoning and flavouring), butter is applied to the fish
and then it is baked in a baking tray. Baking time is 10min. /500gm. of fi sh.


To preserve and enhance the delicate flavour of fish, the liquid in which they are poached, those are prepared with care. The poaching liquid is called court- bouillon. Traditional uses include poaching fi sh and seafood, but it is also used for poaching vegetables, eggs, sweetbreads, cockscombs, and delicate meats.


SL. NO.IngredientsQuantity
01Water1 lit.
04Slice lemon60gm.
06Parsley stalk3 sprig
07Pepper corns6 No.
08Bay leaf1-2 No.
Simmering all the ingredients for 30-40 minutes and then strain and used as liquor.
Strain and used as liquor.


  1. White court-bouillon (slice onion, bay leaf, parsley, pepper corn, lemon juice, salt, milk and water).
  2. Ordinary court-bouillon (vinegar, water, pepper corn, slice onion, carrots, salt, parsley, thyme and bay leaf).
  3. White wine court-bouillon (white wine, water, mince onion, banquet gurney, salt, pepper corn, few drop of vinegar, carrots).
  4. Red wine court-bouillon (Red wine, vinegar, water, mince onion, bouquet gurney, parsley, salt, pepper corn, carrots.


  1. Prom fret- Pagodas
  2. Prom frets with M.D.H.
  3. Prom frets with portigaise sauce.
  4. Tandoori prom fret.
  5. Amritsar- mach chi (Indian).


Fi sh should be stored for other food to prevent transfer of smell and flavour and ideally a fish stored in a refrigerator, chiller and the temperature is 0c to 12c.


  1. Fillet or filla:- A cut fish free from the bone without skin. A round fish have two number of fillet and the flat fish have four number of fillet.
                    fish Fillet
  1. Darne: – A piece or slice of cut across and through the bone of large whole round fishs.
Exam. – Salmon, cord.
fish darne
  1. Trancon:– A slice of flat fishs cut on the bone. It is a section of a large flat fish such as Turbot or Brill after being split down the backbone, approximately 45 mm thick.
  1. Goujon:- This term is applied to fillet of fishs cut into strips format. Approximate size of gorgons is 3” X ¼”.
                                                       fish goujon
  1. Goujonette: – As well as gorgons but smaller. Approximate size of gougonnettes is 2” X ¼”.
  1. Paupiette:- A rolled and stuffed fillet, usually of flat fishs. The stuffing would generally be a fine fish farce.
fish Paupiette
  1. Supreme: A portioned piece – cut on the slant from the fillet of a large round or flat fishs.
fish Supreme


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