Housekeeping Glossary

Here we have listed some commonly used housekeeping terms or housekeeping glossary for hospitality industry.
  1. Contingency plan- Planning done for uncertain events.
  2. Lounge- A place in a hotel where a guest can sit back or relax. It is in public area furnished for relaxation.
  3. Damp –dusting-The method of cleaning where the items to be cleaned or wiped with a damp cloth.  – Housekeeping Glossary VII-235
  4. Bridge the bed-Joining of two beds.
  5. Crinkle sheet-Distinctive woven sheets to cover and protect the blanket.
  6. Nappery- Table linen.
  7. Roll out- Removal of extra bed from the rooms when the guest checks out.  -Housekeeping Glossary VII-255
  8. Jonny mop-Toilet brush used for cleaning of w.c.
  9. Pallet- Thin weight mattress
  10. Amenity- A service or item offer to a guest or place in a guest room at no extra cost.
  11. Back of the house- The functional area of hotels in which guests are not allowed to go.
  12. Back to back- Describe a heavy rate check out and check-in in a same date so that as soon as the room made up.
  13. Turn down service- A special service provided by the housekeeping department in which room attendant enters to the guest room in the evening to make the night bed, to replenish any items which are necessary.  – Housekeeping Glossary VII-231
  14. Hand-caddy –A portable container for storing and transporting cleaning supplies carried on a room through maid cart.
  15. Lobby- Area provided near the reception as a common meeting place for all the guest.
  16. Hopper-Strong metal container for disposing of garbage.
  17. Sani-bin – Metal bin with a lit kept in wash room for throwing of disposed toilet rolls.
  18. Team cleaning-Group of housekeeping staffs working together in order to achieve same goals
  19. Wardrobe- A tall cabinet or closet for keeping clothes.  – Housekeeping Glossary VI-35
  20. Candle-wick- A soft cotton thread which makes the candle burns.
  21. Pilferage- The crime of taking some one’s property without permission.
  22. Crease- A line made on linen by folding or pressing.
  23. Frequency schedule- A schedule which indicates how often an area in a hotel has to be clean.
  24. Accommodation check list- List to help the housekeeping staff to check all the items to be check inside the room. – Housekeeping Glossary XV- 23
  25. Bath linen-It includes bath towel hand towel face towel etc.
  26. Cleaning supplies- Cleaning agents and small cleaning supplies for cleaning of guest room 
  27. Water closet- Sanitary fittings consists of toilet bowl and cistern..
  28. Room status report- A report that allows the housekeeping department to say the present status of the room.
  29. Routine maintenance- Activities related to general up-keepment of a property .
  30. R.D.M.- Room division manager.A person who heads the department responsible for location of guest room including front office and housekeeping. – Housekeeping Glossary XX-84


  1. G.R.A- Guest room attendant
  2. C/O- Check out
  3. C –Cleaned
  4. C/L- Check list
  5. O – Occupied
  6. V- Vacant
  7. O.O.O- Out of order
  8. B.T.- Bath towel
  9. H.T.- Hand towel
  10. F.T.-Face towel
  11. D.N.D- Do not disturb
  12. D.L. Double locked
  13. O.P.L- ON/OFF premises laundry
  14. P.T.E.- Part time employee
  15. F.T.E. Full time employee
  16. H.W.C. –Handle with care
  17. W.C.- Water closet
  18. S.B. –Scanty baggage
  19. D.R. Departure room
  20. N.C and N.C- Not cleaned and not checked


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