Job Analysis | Human Resource


Job analysis is the process of determining that what knowledge each employee needs , what task the employee needs to perform & the standard to which the employee must perform the task. The three components of job analysis are as follows
  1. Job knowledgeJob analysis in hotel industry
  2. Job list
  3. Job breakdown
Job knowledge identifies what an employee needs to know to perform, the task to the expected standard.
  1. Job list enumerates in simple term the various tasks to be accomplished
  2. Job breakdown is the complete know how   require to perform a particular task while meeting the require standard.


The time & motion studies for a task calculate how long, it hakes on an average to perform a certain task. This help in calculating & staffing level. To do time & motion study several staff member do the same work, eg- Bed making one by one Their movement are studied & clocked. The result is compared & an analysis is done as to how long it will take on average the perform the task.


Time & motion studies may be carried out using several techniques which are discussed in this section.
  1. Pathway chart- The techniques involve to study of path covered by the worker in the undertaking
& completion of the the task. A long thread is pinned down at the starting point on the plan. The line of motion is marked using this thread wound around it The length of the thread gives an idea of distance traversed in the completion of the task.
  1. Process chart- All the task in order to be completed, require a specific process or activity. In this technique close study of process is adopted is carried out & the flow of activity is closely studied.
3.Operation chart- This technique help on track down all the wasteful expenditure of time & energy of all activities. The technique helps one to track down of all the wasteful expenditure of time & energy in all activities.
Job analysis is a system to identify and determine in detail the distinctive job responsibilities and necessities and the relative importance of those tasks for a given job. Job analysis is a method where judgements are made about information accumulated on a job.
A traditional system of Job analysis could be to present the incumbent a easy questionnaire to determine job tasks, duties, apparatus used, work relationships, and work environment. The completed questionnaire would then be used to support the Job Analyst who would then habits an interview of the incumbent(s). A draft of the identified job obligations, duties, equipment, relationships, and work environment can be reviewed with the supervisor for accuracy. The Job Analyst would then prepare a job description and/or job specifications.
The process that you may use in Job analysis depends on practical issues such as form of job, quantity of jobs, number of incumbents, and region of jobs.
Job Description is an major document, which is basically descriptive in nature and includes a assertion of job analysis. It supplies both organizational information’s (like location in structure, authority etc) and sensible expertise (what the work is).
It gives understanding in regards to the scope of job movements, predominant duties and positioning of the job in the organization. This information gives the worker, analyst, and supervisor with a clear proposal of what the worker have got to do to meet the demand of the job.


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