Servicing guest rooms with DND sign / Do not disturb lamp

  • When approaching a guest room for cleaning, first check if the guest had placed a Do not Disturb ( DND ) sign.
  • Some hotels has a Do Not Disturb Lamp / Light next to the door bell and other hotels has door knob card with DND sign.
  • Rooms displaying the “DND” notice not to be disturbed.
  • In all cases room maids / room attendants should avoid disturbing the guest.
For expected checkout / due-out guests:
  • If the guest is due to checkout, then do not disturb the DND room until check out.
  • Once the expected checkout time is over, Inform the housekeeping control desk supervisor that the guest room is still on on DND.
  • Housekeeping supervisor should call up the guest and enquire if the service is required.
  • In case there is no response from the guest room then, the supervisor should call up the front desk and check if the guest had already checked out.
  • After confirming that the guest had checked out then the room boy can enter the room with Do not disturb sign.
  • Other rooms where the room maids would delay on servicing is when the room is double locked from inside.
  • All DND rooms and actions taken should be mentioned in detail on the log book.
For Stay over guest:
  • A DND - (Do not disturb) sign clearly indicates that the room attendant should check later if service is required.
  • If there is no response till evening ( 2.00pm or 3.00 pm ) then the housekeeping supervisor should ring the guest and check if he / she requires the room to be serviced.
  • Ask the guest if he or she require fresh supplies ( eg: Towels, 
  • When service is refused at ( 2.00pm or 3.00 pm ), the evening boy has to clean the room during evening service.
  • If service is not provided during evening also then a note to be slipped under the door.
Sample DND guest card / DND guest slip format
Sample DND Card copy hotels / Do Not disturb card sample hotels / Sample guest slip
  • When guest refuses service a floor supervisor / duty manager / lobby manager should call the guest and arrange a convenient time for cleaning.
  • If there is any suspicious or doubt about the room status or other incidents then a Manager along with the security personal should knock and enter the room with the master key card.
  • In some case guest might be un-well or some accident occurred which require urgent intervention, 
  • The room should not remain with out service for more than two days, unless this is specifically requested by the guest and approved by the general manager.


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