VIP Amenities in Hotel

V.I.P. are getting extra facilities in all the hotels and also get a very carefully checked rooms. Usually Deputy house-keeper does this checking. All the V.I.P. gets absolutely the best treatment possible. It must be remembered that the gives away for VIP Amenities in Hotel vary from company to company and even from hotels to hotels.
Some hotels even gives a small basket of fruit to all arrivals as VIP Amenities and Items, which is very nice gesture. Some hotels supplies chocolates and cookies along with the fruit basket. A big bouquet of flower is also given to the V.I.P. rooms. Bath sheet and bath blanket is given to the V.I.P. rooms.
The housekeeping department is informed daily from the reception about V.I.P. arrival and V.I.P.s already in the house One tries to get the V.I.P. room ready as quick as possible.


Any standard hotel should be “home away from home”to a guest. All the day to days necessary supplies and amenities are provided in a guest room so that the guest should not feel uncomfortable in staying in a hotel.
Apart from the common amenities and supplies there are certain amenities and supplies which the housekeeping department can give to guest on request as well as on loan basis.
If a guest is running with fever he can ask for a thermometer to check his body temperature. The thermometer is not generally put in a guest room, it is provided on loan basis if the guest is asked for that.
The housekeeping department also provide hot water bag to the guest if the guest is having any joint pain or muscle pain.
Extra pillows or extra towels can be given to the guest on request.
For very young kids those who have problem in using W.C. potable plastic closet can be provided to them.
Feeding bottles for infant babies can be provided in rooms on request of guests who are having infant kids.


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