How to be a Bad Hotel Manager?

Poor Hotel Management skills have significant effects and may infect an entire Hotel for a long time. The results of bad management and leadership can be significant. We often talk about the impact of strong leaders and how they use good management skills positively to impact a Hotel in various ways - but we rarely talk about the problems that are often created by bad Hotel Managers.

The following are four significant problems that occur in Hotels when Bad Hotel Managers are employed:
Hotel Problem 1: Creating Fear Bad managers threaten an employee’s job security. Scared workers will even use company time to look for a new job. Even if they don’t, their morale will be reduced, and they'll stop trusting and respecting the management team.
Hotel Managers who assign blame, withhold information and communicate vaguely help to create fear. They refrain from showing compassion and appear unapproachable. Bad Managers are unpredictable which in turn creates fear.
Hotel Problem 2: Creating a Negative Work Environment When Hotel Managers create fear within their Hotel, they create a negative working environment. In a negative work environment Hotel Workers suffer from anxiety and stress - they are simply not going to work well.
Aspects of a bad workplace leading to such an environment include inconsistent policies, favoritism and a lack of managerial presence. Hotel Managers who rule from an Office create a feeling of isolation and elitism helping to create this negative work environment. Mutual respect and trust between all organizational levels will never be established.
Hotel Problem 3: Avoiding Recognition When employees are not recognized for their accomplishments or are only criticized for their weaknesses, they don’t feel valued and work in a state of fear of making a mistake. This is a common problem.
When people aren’t recognized, they aren’t motivated. Bad Managers make little effort to actively let Hotel Workers know they are valued. Hotel Managers should provide guidance to their workers on improving weaknesses but whilst also celebrating those employees' strengths and accomplishments.
Hotel Problem 4: Running Bad Meetings Most meetings are major wastes of time with little benefit. Meetings are often viewed as a hassle for the staff, who usually have to stop their more important work to focus instead on summarizing projects and presenting new ideas or sharing opinions in a wasteful meeting.
Hotel Meeting Management can involve Technology more today. Also identifying more clearly which employees must attend - don’t pull in a whole department to discuss a project run by a handful of specialists. Those who aren’t directly involved will most likely stare off into space and feel anxious about getting back to their other workload.

Solution: Stay on top of things as a Manager and have the strength to ask your staff what they think you do well and what they think needs to be improved?

Of course the Bad Managers amongst you will not want to do that.....

These blogs and vlogs are intended for hotel workers, supervisors and managers who are (or want to become) actively engaged in learning and development around the world.


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